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2Plus Audit

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Announcement

2Plus Audit amid coronavirus outbreak decided the following in order to preserve the health and safety of our Clients and our Employees.

  • To suspend and reschedule all of our business trips

  • To minimize the risk of spreading coronavirus we encourage conference calls, Skype meetings or phone calls with our Clients instead of face-to-face meetings.

  • According to the Government’s guidelines regarding the national shut down of schools until 20 March 2020, working parents who are employees of our Company are allowed to a more flexible working schedule.

  • Employees who are most vulnerable to Coronavirus are asked to stay at home in order to protect themselves.

Until 20 March, 2020 our Company will operate with limited human resources and in combination with the Government service sub-function our fast-paced services may be affected. Nevertheless, we remain available to you at all times and we assure you that we are doing our best to ensure the best quality of service and the responsiveness under the circumstances.

Thank you for the understanding. Keep Safe!



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